The merit of fundamental analysis on equity valuation has a long history and is widely used by investors of all skill-level. Using a broad range of technical and fundamental indicators, the TC Quantamental Rating delivers a concise, high-level view of how a stock is performing.
The Quantamental Rating provides a weighted average of five factor groups (Value, Growth, Momentum, Income & Quality). Each is provided a score of 1 to 10, with 1 being the most bearish to 10 being the most bullish.
The weighted average of the 5 factor groups makes up the TC Quantamental Rating!
Value of the company's shares
Growth perspective of the company
Momentum of short and long term price movements
Income from dividends and their sustainability
Quality and financial strength in terms of profitability, robustness of balance sheet & nature of earnings.
Backtesting shows there is a strong relationship with TC Quantamental Rating and market performance. The chart below demonstrates how stocks with “Very Strong” ratings (10-7) outranked the S&P 500 Index by over 200% over 15 years.
The merit of fundamental analysis on equity valuation has a long history and is widely used by investors of all skill-level. Using a broad range of technical and fundamental indicators, the TC Quantamental Rating delivers a concise, high-level view of how a stock is performing.
The Quantamental Rating provides a weighted average of five factor groups (Value, Growth, Momentum, Income & Quality). Each is provided a score of 1 to 10, with 1 being the most bearish to 10 being the most bullish.
The weighted average of the 5 factor groups makes up the TC Quantamental Rating!
Value of the company's shares
Growth perspective of the company
Momentum of short and long term price movements
Income from dividends and their sustainability
Quality and financial strength in terms of profitability, robustness of balance sheet & nature of earnings.
Backtesting shows there is a strong relationship with TC Quantamental Rating and market performance. The chart below demonstrates how stocks with “Very Strong” ratings (10-7) outranked the S&P 500 Index by over 200% over 15 years.
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