FX charts & indices tied to economic events, bringing tangible historical information through "true-range" indicators.
Event, volatility and impact analysis in a modern UX.
Adjust your Risk/Reward ratio & copy levels to the order page.
Add important events to your calendar.
Lock premium content on your website, prompting traffic to sign-in or create an account while keeping viewers informed about basic calendar features.
Explore the volatility and price direction following the most recent events that occurred within the last year.
Discover how the price responded to an event in terms of True Range (pips).
Explore economic events from 38 countries filtering by importance and country.
Tracked & updated in real-time, ensuring
accurate and timely results.
View exact data points across 115 FX charts while hovering on key points and zooming in on events.
Configure the risk/reward ratio and copy the Take Profit & Stop Loss levels to an order page.
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